Monday, August 14, 2017

Klahanie School Mission and Handbook


Klahanie School Handbook

8107 SW 201St Street, Vashon WA 98070
Montessori School ages 2.5yrs-6 yrs/Kindergarten Extended Empowerment Programs: Teen/Middle School, 3rd-5th September-June

American Montessori Society Certified Educator
Mailing: PO Box 13376 Burton, WA. 98013 206-491-9465

Young children hold a unique and inspiring level of empathy and love. We want to nurture that precious gift to the fullest degree with the introduction and later practice of holding space with people outside of the family experience. We believe no child is too young for the wonderment of connection with humans and the flora/fauna of the earth and honoring our native surroundings.
With the practice of presence, acceptance and nurturing while a child experiences new levels of human emotion, a safe environment in our school’s preschool program is created so child may freely express emotions. Emotional intelligence education is a core component to the school’s peace development curriculum.

We are focused on expanding the child’s love of self, others, earth and learning. Children are encouraged in a nurturing method to actively explore the world at his/her own pace. Klahanie is the Native American meaning, “enjoyment of the outside world” and that is exactly what we encourage for human enrichment; the appreciation, love and respect of the world we are offered in order to further the growth of self and greater world care. Our intention is to instill a love of life and the confidence necessary to explore our ever-changing world.

Montessori philosophy foundation is "Follow the child." Using the interests and needs of the children as a guide, a learning environment is created. The environment is prepared to be developmentally appropriate and interesting while nurturing the creative and problem solving methods. The prepared environment encourages children to move about at will, making choices and building skills toward independence.
Our Peace-Building curriculum is founded on the Compassionate Listening and Emotional Intelligence models and practiced daily and throughout the day. Our additional education is offered through movement (dance, yoga, safe climbing exploration), music, language (English, Hawaiian, French and Spanish vocabulary introduction), exploration of the earth (introduction to plants and the care of them) and exposure to compassionate listening/communicating. Peace work introduction and implementation is focused on a daily basis.

With a world full of disconnect and extended family many times living far away, we feel committed to offering an environment where children and guardians can experience sincere levels of support.
Klahanie School admits students of any race. Klahanie does not discriminate against applicants or students on the basis of race, color, religion, ethnic origin or financial abilities.

About Us

Emily (Emmy) Graham (AMS Lead Teacher/Director/Owner)
Emily moved to Vashon Island with her husband Alex (a returning Vashon raised) and sons Finley and Kai in 2008. With the birth and passing of their daughter Nora, Emily found continued healing through nature, writing and celebration of family. Nora plays an active role in her family’s life and a catalyst for intentional living and practice, as well as an ever-present appreciate for dear Fin, Kai and all children in her care and teaching experiences. Because of these important personal growths, Emily is even more committed to the enrichment of children’s empathy, as well as family and community connection. Emily is a University of Washington Graduate with an emphasis in Conflict Resolution curriculum development and Montessori certified through Montessori Education Institute of Pacific Northwest (MEIPN/AMS certified). Over the past 17 years she has worked with youth ranging from birth-to-teen and found many happy years working with 3-6 year olds at Montessori Country School (Bainbridge Island, WA.) as Lead Teacher, as well as facilitator/trainer in Teen Talking Circle Project (Bainbridge Island, WA.). Emily has recently started Vashon/MauryIsland Teen Talking Circle and Klahanie School extended empowerment based-connection building programs practiced from Compassionate Listening model.

Jordan Beck-Vroom (Co-Teacher, Spanish and Textile Arts Specialist)
Jordan has always been passionate about language, arts and environment. She graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in Spanish and Environmental Studies and has spent time in Mexico and Ecuador studying both. Jordan has picked up many of the textile arts and craft forms over the years as hobbies. She enjoys tying these into lessons with Klahanie students.

School Logistics
Following our initial phone conversation we will invite you and your child to observe and interact during one of our class times. This visit will be to meet us, the other children and will last approximately 30-45 minutes, depending on your child’s needs if brought during the visit. Director Emmy Graham will meet visiting parent in class 9am and be witness and participant during beginning class, departing approximately 9:30-9:45 am. During the 9-9:20 time guardians are welcome to receive answers to inquiries, talk about your family, what your hopes are for your child, your input on your child regarding separation anxiety, toilet use and other physical or emotional/social information as well as family updates.

Times September-June: Monday-Thursday sessions

4 Sessions, 3 Sessions or Director approved 2 sessions • 2.5-6 yrs: Monday-Thursday 9:30-12:30
• 3.5yrs-6 yrs: Monday-Thursday 9:30-1:30pm

Extended Programs:
  • ●  1st and 3rd Tuesday Teen/Middle School 3-5pm (grades 8th-11th/12th)
  • ●  1st and 3rd Thursday 3rd-5th 4-5:15 pm
    School will be offered September thru June and tuition is paid in full those 10 months (Extended Programs is offered 9.5 months). Klahanie School follows Vashon school district breaks (listed in the school calendar): national holidays and weather/emergency closures (please refer to Klahanie school calendar for specifics on weather closure and extreme protocol). All schedule changes will be alerted to parents through newsletter, email or phone.
    Emergency Closures and Pick-Up Protocol
    In case of island wide extended emergency situation during school hours, Klahanie School asks parents to be prepared with a plan with five parents in your child’s Klahanie School class as well as five-seven outside, on island contacts (complete legal names) that can be your child’s emergency pick-up if you are unable to get to Klahanie School campus promptly. Please make emergency destination meeting place
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with all emergency pickup supports: seven-ten Klahanie guardians to be emergency backup safe pickup people and list each other on the Emergency Release forms. Whichever parent arrives for pick-up first will have the children released to them. Klahanie staff will alert other parents in the emergency group where the children are and where they will meet the other pick-up parent. To help children with emergency transition and help the parent picking up (this bag will be stored at Klahanie and given to the parent picking up if being used).
Emergency Supplies

Please supply a named labeled gallon sized freezer bag with the following:
A special toy, a small or emergency blanket, non-perishable snack (energy bar,

box juice, etc) and favorite book. The emergency bags will be given back to families at the end of the school year.
Tuition is due the 1st of Every Month. Tuition paid after the 5th a $25 late fee will be Applied. Please call school Director if needing to explore a different day of the month to pay tuition. We are here to support and problem-solve. Three scholarships are available per year. Please contact Director for the confidential financial aid form. Scholarships are based on income and family size.
School Information
Tuition covers Teacher in-service days, parent conferences and meetings as well as Teacher continued education enrichment workshop and training opportunities. Lead Teacher take observations of each child and offer a Fall and Spring Conference. The 20 minute conferences are intended to offer parents the opportunity to hear how their child is doing Emotionally, Socially, Physically and Cognitively as well as space to process with teachers any challenges at home and/or parenting questions. Lead Teacher also offers family advocacy and problem solving through phone/email communication for parents as well as Curriculum nights. If a teacher is out sick, a volunteer parent will assist in class. If Lead teacher is sick, co-teacher will act as Lead for days covered.
Written two month notice is required for departure of enrollment spot for preschool classes. One month notice is required for the Extended Programs.
To stay in a healthy environment, parents will be alerted immediately of any viruses present at Klahanie. If a child is sick; showing signs of vomiting two or more times in 24 hour, has a rash (other than normal diaper/teething rash), diarrhea three or more times in 24 hours, an eye infection, sore throat, runny nose that requires consistent wiping/care, or fever please keep your child home until infectious signs are no longer present for at least 24 hours.
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Fee reductions are not available due to illness for students or teachers.
All teachers are certified in CPR and First Aid. In case of an emergency, parents will be notified immediately as well as other emergency contacts when needed. Parents will be asked to review & update the emergency contact sheet each year and if any changes are made.
Daily Needs at Klahanie School Snack and Lunch
Please pack a well-balanced snack and lunch (if staying until 1:30pm) that is EASY to open sack or lunch box and name-labeled water bottle. Thank you for keeping sugary foods and candy and other high sugar treats at home.
Upon enrollment, please supply Klahanie any known food allergies your child may have.
Change of Clothes & Toilet Transitioning
If your child is using pull-ups as he/she transitions to using the toilet, please replenish wipes and pull-ups daily as well as change of clothes to every class session and brought in a name-labeled Backpack.
Klahanie is the Chinook word for “enjoyment of outside” and in honor of Montessori philosophy, children at Klahanie School are encouraged to explore his/her love of nature, in all the elements! That means clothing will get wet and sometimes dirty/muddy. Please dress your child in clothing that you do not mind getting back mucky. If it is a sunny day please apply sunscreen on your child prior to drop off.
Slippers & Photograph of your child need to be brought with your paperwork on your child’s first day of school. Please label slippers.
Monthly Newsletter
The first week of every month a newsletter will be posted on the school blog ( and/or emailed describing the wonderments of what we have observed from the children, pictures from the previous month, the upcoming month’s calendar, as well as what the new class theme/topic for the classroom environment.
Communication Klahanie staff is committed to offering an environment where parents can process openly about the challenges and joys of parenting. Teachers are always open to scheduling times with parents to process parenting experiences, answer questions by phone or email Monday thru Friday. The monthly Newsletters are important monthly readers for guardians to know what his/her child have been learning and upcoming themes as well as important reminders and updates.
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Please check the yearly Klahanie School Calendar for all important school dates.
Please slowly back down the road if no parking in upper lot and refrain from pulling around in our neighbor’s driveways. No parking on street off 201st. Parking is also available across the street off 201st in the shared Starbreak lot as well as the lower driveway off 81st. Our neighborhood requests people drive 15 miles an hour. Thank you for your help!
If you want to do something for your child’s birthday during school, please contact Emmy to schedule a time for a very sweet Montessori celebration. Parents are asked to bring a brief write up of what your child was like as a baby and each year of his/her life (that will be read during circle time) as well a photograph of your child as a baby.
Yearly Fundraiser for Klahanie Scholarships
September is our yearly Scholarship Fundraiser. All funds made from the fundraiser pay for the upcoming school year scholarship aid. Additional funds made help upgrade Montessori materials. Donations and sign-up to help begins August. The more we make the more we can give back, thank you for the support!
Parent Help In Class
Please sign up to be a helper in class if a teacher is out sick. Parents are welcome to share his/her talents in class, please call if interested.
Please Supply:

1. Picture of your child
2. Name Labeled slippers
3. Emergency packet (please refer to Vashon school district website for list, packets are also
sold at True Value)
Daily Please Bring:
1. Easy to carry backpack for your child with change of clothes
2. Snack and Lunch (if staying until 1:30pm) and Water-Bottle
3. Shoes your child can slip on and off him/herself—boots are fantastic!
4. Weather Ready gear! Sunblock pre-applied if sunny day.

Klahanie School 2.5-6 yrs Daily Routine

Our intimate class size offer calming routine through:
9:30-10:45: Circle Time with songs, dancing, group lessons and community building games.

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Entering class: Calm story, welcome to class songs and weekly topic exploration & discussion.
We try to have a couple of minutes devoted to children’s meditation and yoga. Time when specialists visit class and offer a group lessons/activities about his/her skills. Inside Class Session for introduction lessons on reading, math/ science, care of self/class as well as open choice

11am: Clean-Up, ending circle/story, transition to garden play
11:20-12:30: Outside play exploration & Noon pick-up on bench
12:30-1:30pm: Lunch, play and as the year progresses, some field trip hikes, pick-up from the bench and thank you for being on time!

Extended Empowerment Programs
Talking Circle provides a safe space where youth can, in an age appropriate setting with trained facilitators:
  • ●  Share what is really seen, heard, felt, and known, in order to stay connected with self and in relationships. Learn how to support self and others. Finding strength to speak from the heart.
  • ●  For middle school and teens: Explore sense of self, and the many ways social, historical, political, economic, and physical realities impact teen lives.
  • ●  Meet and learn alongside amazing community mentors during guest speaker visits and field trips. Hear and ask questions of past Talking Circle project participants.
  • ●  Space to deconstruct issues in the safety of a non-judgmental environment working on listening communication from a Compassionate Listening format.
  • ●  Learn and Practice Compassionate Listening.
  • ●  Learn what it takes to maintain healthy, sustainable relationships
    Teen Talking Circles are not considered therapy, and we cannot perform the role of therapists. Should issues arise that are beyond our professional capacity, we will contact guardians and provide a list of trained, professional counselors or therapists. In addition, we are legally mandated to inform guardians and/or Child Protective Services if your child shares something with us, in or out of Circle, that we feel is dangerous to their self or others. Please visit for more information.
    Parent Testimonials
    Emily Graham and the Klahanie Nursery School have been an integral part in Zea’s development. Zea started at Klahanie at 10 months and has really enjoyed every day she’s spent there since (she’s currently 18 months). Zea has grown tremendously with Emily and her son Fin. With Emily’s guidance and through positive interactions she has learned a tremendous amount about independence and self-assuredness, being gentle, having patience, using her manners, and treating others with respect. I think the thing that stands out the most in Emily’s teaching philosophy is the incredible
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respect she affords the children. Her patience seems to be boundless and her speech gentle. I would recommend Emily and Klahanie Nursery School to the highest degree.
Sue Day, Vashon WA

When we relocated back to my home of Vashon two and a half years ago, my partner Katelyn initiated the conversation around our oldest son, Maverick, beginning school. With him being just 2 years old, I felt resistant to the idea. I could see how much he was still relying on mom for physical, emotional and social nurturing, and his play with others seemed to be progressing at a healthy pace. That said, we made the decision to explore Klahanie after learning about my niece’s experience with Emmy and Klahanie during her own toddler years.
Upon meeting Emmy, I immediately felt the warm, maternal energy that Maverick would need to begin growing his social bubble. Learning about her philosophy to “follow the child”, incorporate significant outdoor time despite the weather, and consistently use sharing circles to foster compassionate listening and authentic sharing had quickly reversed my initial feelings.
Now, as a budding elder in the group, Maverick is still supported with the same warmth and openness that first greeted him. And, most importantly, he is stretched to find his own flavor of leadership. He comes home from school and leads us in song, generates his own activities, and is able to apply the learning in meaningful ways.
The trust I have in Emmy, Jordan and the Klahanie community is deep and growing. I cannot imagine a better place to begin our journey in early childhood education, and I hope that any who value the qualities we observe in Emmy and her team consider joining this beautiful family, too.

Nicky Wilks, Vashon WA