Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Social & Emotional Development Children Book Series: Learning To Get Along

Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed. is author of the Learning To Get Along children's book (and parent guide) series that support the domains of Social and Emotional Development in practical, easy to discuss and practice as a family and within classrooms.

Check out the Free Spirit website for more book titles from the same author!


Needs and Wants by Gillia M. Olson (Gail Saunders-Smith, PhD Consulting Editor)

Monday, March 30, 2015

April 2015 Newsletter

Jackson Pollack inspired group painting of our Chinese New Year Dragon costume

Our Chinese New Year Celebration and Dragon Dance each child was able to enjoy with a partner while classmates played loud instruments

“It’s the little things citizens do.  That’s what will make the difference.  My little thing is planting trees.”

Dr.Wangari Maathai

Klahanie School
April 2015 Newsletter

It’s the little things citizens do.  That’s what will make the difference. My little thing is planting trees.
Dr. Wangari Maathai
March 2015 Reflection
Happy Spring!
This long month has brought us many wonderful opportunities in and outside the classroom.  We were able to expand our outside play space to the south end of the property where we have a slide and much dirt moving, digging and creation opportunities.  The children self-initiate plays once or twice a week using the dress-up and Garden Stage—these plays are amazingly entertaining for all and I hope to expand on this for our June Graduation ceremony if they are up for it! 

Our class gathered dandelion greens for a class dandelion, apple and lemon dressed salad the children made and ate together and mixed with the very entertaining descriptions of the salad by the children, everyone tried it!  Walks to our neighboring Klahanie beach have increased.  Like all spring life our class is popping with activity, interest and movement.   Thank you again to parents holding concerns or questions about class-time who asked input as well as time in class to observe, fun to share with you how well this group of dynamic children are doing!  Check out our school blog to see pictures of it all!

April Curriculum Topics

·      Peace Maker Dr. Wangari Maathai: I was honored to listen to Dr. Maathai when she visited Seattle over ten years ago.  She is my favorite Peace Maker to share with the children.  Using a fictional story I wrote and orally tell during circle, I will share Dr.Maathai’s life mission for the earth, women and children of Kenya and beyond.  I welcome you to look up her work www.greenbeltmovement.org.  Each Earth Day I like to plant seeds and a tree with the children in honor of her vital work.  She is dearly missed.
·      Earth Day and Art Creation: For our 2015 Earth Day on April 22 we will be using the wonderful recycle materials from Tinker Topia in Tacoma (www.tinkertopia.com) to create Art pieces as well as plant some seeds and tree in honor of Dr. Maathai.
·      Parts of a Plant/Flower: seed, roots, stem, corolla, pistil, stamen, nectar and pollen.  During the month of April we will be planting seeds and working in the soil most of the month.  Thank you for dressing your children in cloths you do not care getting home muddy.  All paints are washable.
·      Life Cycles of Butterflies:  Our Painted Lady butterfly larva arrived and we will be observing the cycle of the butterfly as well as many art and science projects surrounding this fun unit.
·      Hawai’i continued as well as Introduction to Bees
·      Continued Sewing, Wood-working and Food Preparation opportunities
·      Outside Painting and large science projects (volcano making, parts of flower collage) and more Plays outside!

Reminders/Thank You
·      Spring Break J  No school April 13th-17th

·      Thank you, Thank you Meaghan Goliday for organizing the Klahanie Scholarship Fundraiser, please contact her for information!

·      Elizabeth Shaw for the play-dough and Ruthanne Rhoads for the cookie cutters donations!

·      A great book we read in class this month was “Cool Down and Work Through Anger” by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed.  I seek to purchase her series for the school, she has great and practical Emotional and Social Development support in a children’s book format for families.  I re-read it for myself a couple times! 

o   www.freespirit.com  The Learning to Get Along series

March 2014 Class pictures:

Thank you Mrs. Kelly for sharing your beach with us for these fantastic experiences!

Creating our clay air-dry Hawaiian islands

Monthly calendar

Card sewing

Hawai'i animal book creation

Carlough!  Our own Aerial Silk resident!

Hike back to school

Sewing specialist Jordan!

Wood working

Class play the children created and performed

Bridge and city building

Class Hawaiian islands

Picking dandelion leaves for our class salad

Preparing the dandelion, apple and lemon dressing salad

Everyone in class tried the salad!

Moveable Alphabet story writing