Saturday, October 22, 2011

November Newsletter 2011

Illustrated by Joe Servello from Aline D. Wolf's work Nurturing the Spirit in Non-Sectarian Classrooms

The Child is endowed with an inner power that can guide us to a more luminous future...Education should no longer be mostly imparting of knowledge, but must take a new path, seeking the release of human potentialities." (Dr. Maria Montessori, Education For a New World p.2).

October Reflection

As a parent it can be very difficult and exhausting embracing the constant changes our children undergo on such a rapid pace.  Like them, we have to acclimate quickly to the new needs, the new methods and the new frustrations they experience.  This can be taxing on self and our relationship with our partners.  In the most subtle and dramatic of expression from our wee ones, we hold house and heart space with children who enter constant new phases of needs and screams for self initiative (sleep patterns, eating choices, clothes, diaper changing/toilet use, etc.).

The core of our child's person remains the same but the yearning for more experiences and deeper challenges to find his/her potential is the guide we parents follow.  This can be the most grueling but also the most fulfilling work when we release the pressure of what we think ought to happen and offer permission to ourselves of accepting what is happening and responding from there.

Please feel free to discuss any and all of the things you are working through at home during your school phone conferences (please remember to sign up for a November slot if you would like to hear how your child is doing in class as well a share family experiences/challenges).  

For class time, both Lauren and I have been thrilled to witness the new spice and zest presented in our AM and PM classes!  Collectively, our classes are offering the same lessons for us teachers as what is explored at home; our daily lesson of being present with the changes presented from each child in our class communities as well as getting creative on how we can hold loving and encouraging space for each child to feel safety to graduate to that next level of consciousness and independent choice while maintaining consistent follow through with our requests for class community and environment kindness, calm and concentration.  

Following the children's interest as our guide, we find projects (this month fun themes of decidious trees, gourds/pumpkins, bats the flying mammals) and creative works that stimulate the child to go deeper in concentration and environment exploration.  Some examples we have used are introduction of water work in class for both classes.  This is has included pumpkin washing and water transfer from containers with sponges.  This is a very meditative activity for many of the children.
AM Class
PM Preschool Class
Another area of interest that has created much joy and calming concentration in our outdoor class is the flower arranging patio and harvesting the remaining goodies from the garden.

November Themes

I had a wonderful suggestion from a parent last weekend who works off island and cannot view the weekly school board for class themes (specifically the words used) but wanted to receive the same information so he understands what his daughter makes reference to at home.  So from here on out we will include the same information in our Newsletters (thank you Kenan!).    

For November we will be focusing on:
  • Salmon Cycle, Parts of & Habitat: words used will be Egg, Gravel, River/Stream, Hatch, Larva, Yolk, Migrate, Ocean, Adult (male/female), Backbone, Fins (dorsal, pectoral, pelvic, tail), Scales, Gills, Eyes, Mouth/Teeth
  • Turkeys, Parts of: Feathers, Beak, Caruncle, Gizzard, Hen, Tom, Poult (baby turkey), Snood
  • North American Continent
  • Yams
  • Cranberries
  • Days of the Week (to talk about who is in our class)
  • Giving Thanks: words used will be Family, Friends, Animals, Plants, Autumn/Fall
This is a very sweet month for our classes where we will blend the salmon cycle with Giving Thanks to all the salmon offer our North American continent as well as exploring how much love and thanks we feel for our families.

Save The Date:
Saturday December 17 Klahanie Nursery School will host a Family Holiday Sing-a-Long/ Dance at Vashon Maury Island Grange Hall.  This will be a Pot Luck Gathering and Extended Family is Welcome!!  If you are parent that plays an instrument and want to share your talent, please bring your instrument!!  More specific details about the evening will follow via email and school board!

  • Please sign up for your November phone conference (dates on weekly board outside of class).
  • As we approach winter weather, please keep updated on school snow closures (remember last years Thanksgiving time?!).

Thank Yous:
Thank you Maria Metler for constructing our school felt board and beautiful cut-outs.  Thank you Jamie Clapperton for supplying our class with much needed painting smocks.  Thank you Ginger Hamilton for offering your class support when a teacher is sick.