Saturday, May 6, 2017

May 2017 Newsletter

Klahanie School
May 2017 Newsletter

Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force.  The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward.  When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.
- Karl Menninger

April 2017 Reflection

Thank you for such wonderful conferences!  As always, the joy of sharing how your child is moving, feeling, exploring in class is a fantastically fun experience!   As parenting process continues, please send me an email or phone call if you seek referrals or specific inquiries about developments.  Spring is busy and wonderful and what you see around you in the “spring green” is exactly the growths mirrored in your child.  We adults keep up with the changes and support our own processes as we steer in directions that inspire and support safety within our self and family. 

What an amazing group you parents are!

We had a month full of amazing growths and connection as a group.  Being inspired by the Compassionate Listening work in our circle times have been sprinkled with compassionate listening exercises tailored for our young multi-age group.  We began playing a “listening game” each day (the children have begun requesting) where a child holds the talking rock to share a story or thought.  We listeners then have the fun job of listening to the facts and take turns repeating them back.   We also ask the person what they felt, or will some times guess if enough leading words are given during the story and ask if that was the feeling, the emotion?  The last step, if enough is shared in the facts and feelings, I help frame it with “it sounds like you really enjoy or value having quiet, independent time” or “…. time spent with family,” etc. to help highlight the idea of an internal value which are always positive, imbedded truths in all humans and what connects us to one another.  This story/listening exchange along with greeting each and every person around our circle silently, only with present and loving eye contact, are pillar foundations to the work of Compassionate Listening peace development work.  And the Klahanie School children are soaking it up!

Elders have begun completing their large projects and we had the first of some anticipated future ceremonies honoring their dedication, excitement and knowledge.  These projects include exercise in math, language, science and sensorial.  Some upcoming excitements will be the elders practicing counting together, separate and teaching a younger friend up to 1000 on the Montessori 1000 chain.   Our class has also had great fun diving into the solar system unit.

Our Painted Lady larva will be arriving this week and spread us to the spring focus of butterfly life cycle observation and release in the garden.

Ten little eggs all in a mound.
Out they will crawl, crawling around.
And then they will sleep and we know why, out they emerge as butterflies.
Butterfly, butterfly what lovely wings.
Flutter by, flutter by how my heart sings.
Butterfly, butterfly I’d like to know, when it rains, when it rains where do you go?

March Curriculum Topics
Niche In Nature
I’ve got a Niche in nature, no matter what you say.
I’ve got a niche in nature and it’s going to stay that way.
We’ve each got a niche in nature, whether we’re big or small.
If niches are protected then there’s room enough for us all!

Butterfly Song
Ten little eggs all in a mound, out come the caterpillars crawling around.
Then they will sleep and we know why, out they immerge as butterflies.
Butterfly, butterfly what lovely wings.
Flutter by, flutter by how my heart sings.
Butterfly, butterfly I’d like to know, when it rains, when it rains where do you go?

Bend and Stretch, reach for the sky.
There goes Jupiter, there goes Mars.
Bend and stretch, reach for the sky
Stand on tippy toes oh so high.

·      Spanish Continued Intro and Practice: Jordan will begin leading ending circle time with daily Spanish!  A large portion of our community is from Mexico and what fun to begin exploring and sharing connections.  Thank you Teacher Jordan!
·      Teamwork: All groups that create teamwork
·      Bees:  bee hives and teamwork, bee life cycle and why they are so important
·      Cinco De Mayo:  More Spanish language introduction, music/dance and foods (please feel free to share what you like from Mexican culture and knowledge!)
·      Mamas and Papas:  Mother’s and Father’s Day love!

Reminders/Thank You
o   Dates for Summer Session:
  •   July 4-6th (Tues, Wed, Thurs) 9:30-1:30pm

§  July 11-13th (Tues, Wed, Thurs) 9:30-1:30pm
§  Please note: paperwork will be emailed out asap.  Thank you! 

·      Please remember to put sunscreen on your child as well as supply them with a water bottle.  We will continue to do our walks to Klahanie beach and having water available is very helpful.  Thank you!

·      Thank you Liz Carlson for your weekly help children create his/her Self Portraits!

·      Thank you Jen Keller for coming in and helping Jordan in class!

·      Tie Dying:  Please send one or two pre-washed white tee shirts to school.  We’d love to get our tie-dye started the last week of May!