Friday, January 3, 2014

January 2014 Newsletter

Illustrated by Joe Servello from Aline D. Wolf's work Nurturing the Spirit in Non-Sectarian Classrooms

Klahanie School
January 2014 Newsletter
Finding out that we are one of a kind could be a lonely and frightening thing without the reassurance of knowing that we belong to humankind, and that all humans laugh and cry about many of the same things; that all have similar hopes and fears; that all have many of the same needs; and that those needs are best met by other human beings who can love us for both our similarities and our differences.
Every human being has value.  This is the basis of all healthy relationships.
The roots of all our lives go very, very deep, and we can’t really understand a person unless we have the chance of knowing who that person has been, and what that person has done and liked and suffered and believed.
Mister Rogers
Life’s Journey’s According to Mister Rogers (p.75-77).

December Reflection
Happy New Year and welcome back!  Hoping you and your family had a wonderful holiday break.  After a long break, we will take time to re-focus on our classroom routines and togetherness.   We also will begin to get a little more in-depth with curriculum lessons!

January Curriculum Topics

  • ·       Dr. Martin Luther King Remembrance: age appropriate storytelling (with figurines) of his life as a child.  A Klahanie MLK March on Wednesday January 15, his actual birthday. 
  • ·       Mister Rogers Songs and Poems: during circle time, using puppets and poems, we will explore what an act of kindness feels and looks like.  Ways to celebrate similarities and differences.
  • ·       Whales
  • ·       Ice and Snowflakes

School Update: Please pass information along!
We have one opening in our AM class! Thank you for continuing to spread the word to families who might be interested in enrolling.  Ideally we would love to welcome a three-year old girl to the AM mix but do enroll on a first come basis. 

Reminders, Thank-Yous and Dates to Save
·       THANK YOU PARENTS (Jessica and Jordan!) for helping while Emmy was sick
·       To support the children’s yearn for independence, we are using the “flipping coats” technique when getting ready to play outside. The little rhyme we use is: “tags by the toes, hands by the holes and we flip-it.” We continue to use our deck lanai throughout the class day and thank you parents for layering your children up and boots as we enter cooler days!  If your child does not have slippers yet, please bring crocks or other such soft-sole shoe to keep at school so his/her feet stay warm while in class. 
·       WEATHER REMINDER: Klahanie School runs with the Vashon School District closures.  Please refer to the Vashon School District website or King5 News for school closure/delays.  Slight variance: If there is a two hour delay reported for Vashon public schools, Klahanie AM class will be canceled and PM class meets.  Teachers will try to call all families about closures.  Snow days will not be made up.