Monday, October 29, 2012

November 2012 Newsletter

Klahanie Nursery School Newsletter
November 2012

We know, how to find pearls in the shells of oysters, gold in the mountains and coal in the bowels of the earth, but we are unaware of the spiritual germs, the creative nebulae, that the child hides in himself when he enters this world to renew mankind.
Dr. Maria Montessori
October Reflection

This is a big, juicy Newsletter for we are embarking on a very endearing shift in our Klahanie school year.  Teacher Lauren is very close to the arrival of her son, Stanley and a much-deserved maternity leave.  So here we go….

October was a blast of energy and continual transition for the children in our AM and PM classes.  We have entered a clear normalization of the class cohesiveness with classmates, teachers and the environment.  With these safety shifts, the children have been exercising stronger voice (through body language and conversation) requesting independence in school activity, self-care and interpersonal relationship building with friends.  We as class communities are going deeper!  The independence is an element we teachers embrace and move with because it is the foundation of the child’s absorption and exercise of life.  Reflecting on this observation, the following quote from Dr. Maria Montessori’s book The Absorbent Mind (p.90-91) felt especially pertinent:           

The one thing life can never do is to stand still.  Independence is not a static condition; it is a continuous conquest in order to reach not only freedom, but also strength, and the perfecting of one’s powers…The child’s first instinct is to carry out his actions by himself, without anyone helping him, and his first conscious bid for independence is made when he defends himself against those who try to do the action for him.  To succeed by himself he intensifies his efforts…children give us proof.  They show that nature’s teachings differ from the ideals which society fashions for itself.  The child seeks for independence by means of work; an independence of body and mind.  Little he cares about the knowledge of others; he wants to acquire a knowledge of his own, to have experience of the world, and to perceive it by his own unaided efforts.  We must clearly understand that when we give the child freedom and independence, we are giving freedom to worker already braced for action, who cannot live without working and being active.  This he has in common with all other forms of life.
Dr. Maria Montessori, 1967

Connected to this, we have been asking more of the children regarding his/her self-care and while practicing the development of relationships with friends.  In school, we are also asking the children to begin practice of observing how his/her actions have a cause and effect on the class community and then reflection of those choices.  This continues to be a deeply moving process.  Two examples of some teacher phrases we use are: “Where are your shoes? Please go get them, as well as your coat.  Attempt to put them on yourself.  I will be here if you need help.” or “Please see if your friend            can help you.  I will be here if you need help.”.   This method is in order to offer the children a safe space to be independent physically and emotionally.  And it is working!  We are observing rapid pace of our class community doing all they can to create a safe space of expression in all forms.   There are more steps and patience involved in this process for us adults but again, we observe it as working because the children are happy and seek more! 

If you are interested in learning more about nurturing the child’s independence and adapting these practices to your home life, please feel free to call or sign up for teacher conferences this November.  If many are interested, Emmy will host a winter “Montessori In The Home” night (with childcare provided) to explore more concrete, accessible ideas to lighten the weight in your home by offering your child the opportunity to be a part of caring for the workings within it.

*To support this work we are practicing on here at school, we ask that parents (grandparents, etc) continue to allow your child to walk to school (if he/she can) and enter the school deck by escorting his/her child directly to the three chairs in-front of the school board, to remove shoes and coat, asking the child to put shoes under their hook (where you place the change of clothes bag) and assist hanging up coat.  PLEASE bring boots your child can put on independently (as best he/she can).   Then escort your child to the classroom door.  This same routine, but reversed, is requested for pickup. 

Please label your child’s name in the boots, coats and hats.  If you bring your child in shoes—the warning that we will be outside everyday, rain or shine!  Please bring two pairs of shoes (the backup in a labeled plastic bag inside the change of cloths bag).

November Curriculum Topics

·      Vashon Island/ Maury Island: Portage Isthmus This school year geographical exploration of Land and Water forms (specifically that relate to our Pacific Northwest living) is our focus.    
·      Salmon: Salmon are spawning and they are some of the hardest workers to live year by year under such an intense, interesting and inspiring life cycle.  We encourage parents to find local salmon streams to observe this miraculous plight.  We will be studying the parts of a salmon body, their life cycle and importance to our Northwest community.
·      Turkeys: Again using Parts of as our guide, we will make botany posters of the turkey as well as fun collages and sing turkey songs.
·      Decomposition: Now that rain and autumn/winter weather is fully upon us and our gardens are in process of dying, we will begin more gardening to prepare garden beds for winter and also the important exploration of understanding decomposition.   The term “Life Cycle” will be used many times throughout the year and a wonderful term tool to explain something so concrete (birth, life, death) in a welcoming and child accessible way.     
·      Giving Thanks: To support our wonderful Vashon Island Food Bank and the families Vashon families in need, we ask that your family bring Thanksgiving like nonperishable food items to school by Thursday November 15.  Please feel free to hand your bagged items to a teacher at drop off, the group donation will be made that same day to the Food Bank.

Thank You Bridgette Webb (Gregory’s Nana) for donating the wooden puzzles and Black-Davis family for donating the books!  We also thank Jamie Clapperton for taking our school pictures

SEEKING A small fiberglass dinging-row-boat to add to our garden & a whole salmon (no longer alive but body in tact :).  Please email school if any leads, thank you!

CLASS PICURES Scheduled for Tuesday November 6 for both classes!  If parents would like copies, please email the school for information. 

Congratulations! Anna & Kenan Pekoz welcoming the birth of their beautiful daughter Ada!  Congratulations Mabel, what a fantastic big sister you are! 

Important Information & Reminders

LAUREN’S MATERNITY LEAVE Lauren’s last day of school (unless she begins labor earlier!) will be Thursday November 29.  Again, going with how she and family feel, she will be on maternity leave until January 31, 2013.  If Lauren does start active labor earlier and falls on a school day, school will be closed on that day, as Emmy is on call to help with caring for Gregory.  Parents will be notified by phone and email.  Lauren, we are all so excited for you and your sweet family!  And we are also excited to welcome Sara Bennett (Blake and Dena’s mom) to our Klahanie teaching team during our PM classes!  Please introduce yourself to Sara during drop off and pick up if you have not met her…she is an amazing educator and your children LOVE her!

NOVEMBER CONFERENCES Please feel free to sign up for a 20 minute phone conference (these are voluntary) for teacher observation of your child’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive interests in class as well as offer support on parenting process and/or questions.  Sign up sheet, with time options, is posted on the school board.

PHOTO OF YOUR CHILD Please drop off a photo of your child for our School Peace Wall.  The children LOVE to find him/herself and friends on the wall throughout the school year!

SCHOOL HOLIDAY PARTY Please email or let Teachers know in person by Thursday November 1 if you are interested in a School Holiday Potluck Party on Saturday December 15, if so this would be held at the Vashon Youth Hostel’s wonderful barn and would cost $15 per family.   We would have live music and plenty of space for kids to run around.  The $15 would be due by November 8th.     

OPENINGS Our PM class is completely full!  We have ONE opening for a child 20 months or younger in our AM class (option of 2-3-4 class sessions a week).   Please feel free to pass our school information to families who might be interested.

SCHOOL ILLNESS POLICY With the autumn months here, more colds and other illnesses will surely start to flare up.  If your child is well enough for school, he/she will be well enough to participate in all school activities, including going outside in all weather.  Please keep you child home if you observe the following: Persistent cough, Yellow/Green Mucus, Diarrhea (3 or more watery stool in a 24hr period), Vomiting (in 24hr period), Fever (101 degrees or higher in 24hr period), Rash (not associated with diaper, heat or allergies), Eyes thick with mucus or pus draining.

Pictures Of The Month For Our AM & PM Classes