Wednesday, June 29, 2011

July 2011 Newsletter

June Reflection

What a burst of growth each and every one of the Klahanie children have experienced the past month!

We have two new families joining our school this month and as our school grows, so does each child's method and capacity to adapt to new experiences and energy of our school.  Our class blending has been of great observational joy for Lauren and I.  What we are seeing with the increase of class size and age range is a clear presence of "other."

The older children have learned quickly from the cues of the babies to remember to adapt more readily and healthy to our class changes.  That interaction has been of big energy movement but great depiction of what humanity is; connection and bonding.

Today was one of our new student's (and youngest) first day.  He was tenderly eased into the space with grandma's help.  The children of our Wednesday class were so aware of his youth and shifted their movements to calm for him.  They were so independent and centered.  They moved as a large pack of joy and connection.  It was active but so engaged.  The whole experience was so moving it whipped us all out--I know I napped with my sons today!

So in short, June has been of growth (p.s. I will start getting little garden samples ready for take home for all you families.  They will be left on Westside of the building on the path to the driveway!).

July Topics

Singing/Painting/Reading/Work on Shelves About:

bumblebees/pollen, parts of plants (garden and nettles, ferns, doc--both nature's aloe for the burns), deciduous trees, snakes, eye-spy games with earth objects to introduce geometric solids.


Saturday July 23 Klahanie Nursery School Graduation/ School Community Social (please refer to email invitation for more detailed information)

*Please contact Emmy if interested in taking photos of the gathering and making a disc for the school to share with all.  

Seeking a Parent Helper for July Art Project!  Please contact Emmy for more information

September 2011 Preparation:

*Parents of 2/3 Afternoon Class: I will send out information and contract review in the next week.  Class size will be very small.  Current Klahanie families have first choice enrollment.  Contracts will be due 1st of August 2011.   

*Parents of Infant Morning Class: For parents of 1-Day-Week children, I will send out information and contract review in the next week for option of day-week attendance increase.  Class size will be VERY small.  Current Klahanie families have first choice day-week enrollment reserving.  Contracts will be due 1st of August 2011