Saturday, April 1, 2017

April 2017 Newsletter

Klahanie School
April 2017 Newsletter

“It’s the little things citizens do.  That’s what will make the difference.  My little thing is planting trees.”
Dr.Wangari Maathai

March 2016 Reflection
Happy Spring!
And happy conferences!  I love this time of year when I am honored to share how wonderful your children are doing in school and what he/she have been up to cognitively, socially, emotionally and physically.  In conferences, parents are welcomed time to ask questions and get some support or resource suggestions when requested.  Please feel free to email questions before hand.    This is fun to share the joys and stories. 

Parents possibly are hearing more, “I don’t want to go to school” this is a normal thing to hear early spring with the light increase, the energy of spring can make transitions even more steps for families.  Once your child is at school we see and hear positivity and engagement.  If you are feeling lost about how to handle the resistance of coming to school, making a simply mantra to use can be useful.   Maybe, “I hear you do not want to change what you are doing.  You will have fun when you get there.  Everyday is something new and exciting at school.”  This could and other helpful positive response might ease the understandable parent anxious feeling when it rolls out of the child’s sweet and clear mouth.  This can also be positive for your child helping him/her remember they are entering a place they have ownership, creativity and self-expression opportunities within. 

Spring is a busy time of year and there is a true reason why we have the old saying, “spring fever.”  Large motor, fresh air opportunities, garden explorations and walks outside will become more prevalent in our daily routine so making sure you alert teachers if you are picking up early or dropping off late is super helpful.  Imaginative play has increased to a fun level and everyone is in full, festive spring swing.   

April Curriculum Topics
Our world hangs like a magnificent jewel in the vastness of space.  Every one of s is a part of this jewel; and, in the perspective of infinity, our differences are infinitesimal.  We are intimately related.  May we never even pretend that we are not. 
Fred Rogers, Life’s Journeys According to Mister Rogers

·      Peace Maker Dr. Wangari Maathai: I was honored to listen to Dr. Maathai when she visited Seattle over a decade ago.  She is my favorite Peace Maker to share with the children.  Using a fictional story I wrote and orally tell during circle, I will share Dr.Maathai’s life mission for the earth, women and children of Kenya and beyond.  I welcome you to look up her work 
·      Earth Day and Month!  Outside Painting and large science projects (solar system and nature plus recycle collage).  We will be acting out our solar system and sing some earth songs.
·      Sewing, Felting and weaving all led by masterful Teacher Jordan!
·      Rainbows and Color Wheels
·      Solar system creation and recycle Art: We will be using the wonderful recycle materials from Tinker Topia in Tacoma ( to create Art pieces as well as plant some seeds in honor of our earth and Dr. Maathai.
·      Parts of a Plant/Flower: seed, roots, stem, corolla, pistil, stamen, nectar and pollen.  During the month of April we will be planting seeds and working in the soil most of the month. 
·      Life Cycles of Butterflies:  Yearly we hatch Painted Lady butterflies to the garden, we will be observing the cycle of the butterfly as well as art and science projects opportunities surrounding this fun unit.

Reminders/Thank You
·      Spring Break   No school April 10-14th

·      Spring Conferences: Monday April 24, 25, 26