Monday, May 12, 2014

May 2014 Newsletter

Klahanie School
May 2014 Newsletter

Ten little eggs all in a mound.
Out they will crawl, crawling around.
And then they will sleep and we know why, out they emerge as butterflies.
Butterfly, butterfly what lovely wings.
Flutter by, flutter by how my heart sings.
Butterfly, butterfly I’d like to know, when it rains, when it rains where do you go?

April Reflection
Wow is it spring!  With the hot spell there came some spicy moods and huge growth for all the Klahanie children!  And I must congratulate them all sincerely.  For each and every one of your amazing children are developing into such lovely contributors to a peaceful and loving world.  We have been laughing so much as a group and welcomed two new friends to our AM class!  Welcome Lucille (Lucy) Davis and parents Janelle and Duke and Giovanni Goliday and parents Meaghan and Kelvin to Klahanie!  I am so excited to hopefully introduce many of you very kind families to one another at our Friday June 13th end of the school year graduation celebration.  Like the butterfly life cycle, we too have times in our lives that are chrysalis or pupa stages where we rest and wait as the growth quietly happens and out we emerge to another form of understanding.  The children are in a digestive time and I feel so honored to witness and hold supportive space as they grow.  The movement in our classroom is faster and interests about self and as amazing Fred Rogers would call, our “neighbor” relation is much more at the main topic of the children’s minds these days.  With that here are the fun May topics we will explore:

May Curriculum Topics
We all have different gifts, so we all have different ways of saying to the world who we are.
Fred Rogers

  • ·      Butterfly life cycle and habitat: egg, larva (caterpillar), chrysalis (pupa), butterfly
  • ·      Moms!  Amazing moms and how we show love to our Moms
  • ·      Insects: what is an insect, why are insects important and habitats
  • ·      Self Portraits: self-portrait paintings.  These treasures will be on display in class until the end of school. 
  • ·      Friends, Our Neighbors: what makes a friend and using Conflict Resolution/Compassionate Listening models as foundation, children will be introduced to the Peace Corner where they can sit with friends if experiencing a dispute to practice peaceful ways to listen and communicate using the Peace Rock.  Children will be shown at group first using puppets and then children will be helped during the process when they need it or seek it. 

Reminders, Thank-Yous, Dates to Save & Changes
Thank you Rhoads family for the book donation and Hamilton family for more craft supplies!
May 15 please get your plant donation in for the Scholarship Fundraiser!
  May 15 PM Class goes to KVI with Specialist Jeff Adams! drop off and pick-up will be at KVI.  If a heavy rain day, pickup will be at Klahanie.  Dress your kids for an all outside day, change of clothes, very simple hearty snacks, water bottle and backpack.  Please and Thank you for Name Labeling it all!  Please come with us if you like!
Please sign up for the Bake Sale for Scholarship Fundraiser Saturday May 31!
Thank you for putting sunscreen on your children!
Lauren had a very sweet idea to have a little new Sibling Baby Shower for Cooper Vroom in our AM class and Grayson Hamilton and Alexander Rhoads in our PM class.  This May, please help your child pick out a little something from his/her toy, book or a Granny’s Attic find to offer Cooper, Grayson and Alexander as celebration of being big brothers!  We will have a little baby shower for them on Tuesday May 27th AM 10:30am and PM 2pm, their mama’s are welcome J  Thank you Teacher Lauren for such a great idea!

Hike to neighboring Klahanie Beach, thank you Mrs.Kaye Kelly and family for the access!

Visit from Jeff Adams in PM class!  Preparation for beach day at KVI on May 15.