Saturday, February 9, 2013

February 2013 Newsletter

Klahanie Nursery School Newsletter
February 2013

The study of love and its utilization will lead us to the source from which it springs, The Child.
Dr. Maria Montessori
January Reflection
Thank you Teachers Sara Bennett and Jordan Beck for all your wisdom and care offered to the Klahanie AM & PM children while teaching with Emmy during Lauren’s maternity leave!  We are excited to have you back in the classroom soon!

Welcome back Lauren, we missed you!  As Lauren re-enters the classroom with her infant son Stanley, we will take time to reconnect and form deeper bonds in our class communities.  This will undoubtedly hold many tender and profound moments. 
February Topics
·      Infants: Welcoming Stanley to our class as well as our theme of love and joy this month, we will explore the needs of babies and the gifts of understanding they offer us daily as they express his/her needs.
·      Dr. Maria Montessori: Our second Peace Maker who helped reshape the method of honoring the infant and child through observation and creation.  With the assistance of a child appropriate story telling (during group), we will talk about her life and work she passionately provided for many children and educators around the world.
The unknown energy that can help humanity is that which lies hidden in the child.
Dr. Maria Montessori
·      Love and Other Emotions: What is an emotion and when do we feel differing emotions.  We will use stories, puppets and for the PM class, introduction to our Peace Area and Talking Stick (This will be included in the Montessori In The Home Parent Night) to begin essential practice of Listening and Expressing of emotions with loved ones.
·      Honoring of Friends: During group our class will have a special tray for serving tea.  Children (yes in the AM class too J) will have the opportunity to invite friend to tea.  The host will serve his/her friend tea and toast. 

Reminders, Meetings & Celebrations
·      Congratulations Gray-Miller Family on the Birth of Cyrus! 
Valentines Day & Sing-A-Long: Please feel free to bring Valentines for each of your child’s classmates.  We will have Valentine envelopes children will bring home that day.  At 3pm we will host a Klahanie Valentine Sing-A-Long for Parents that Both the AM & PM classes are welcome to attend.  We will move the class furniture and sit in a big circle to sing a couple of Songs about Love J and have a special treat.
  Winter Break: NO SCHOOL FEB.18-FEB.22
·      Birthdays: If you want to celebrate your child’s birthday in class, please feel free to call Emmy for the day you wish to share a Photo of your child when he/she was a Baby and a brief write up of what your child was like as a baby (what he/she loved, ate, where he/she was born, etc) that will be read during group.  We then like to read On The Day You Were Born by Debra Frasier.

·      Montessori In The Home Parent Meeting set for Thursday March 21, 2013 7pm-8: 30pm: Get a babysitter and come join us for a fun night of Montessori ideas for your home, light appetizers and time to discuss parenting process in a supportive space.

·      Reminder For Snow Days—Klahanie will go by the Vashon School District snow closures.   Snow day school cancellations will not be made up.

·      Please Remember to Park in Designated Klahanie Parking (please refer to the Parking map posted on our school board.)

·      Please feel free to call teachers if questions/concerns arise regarding your child, always happy to take time. 

·      We will begin our Re-Enrollment for the 2013-2014 School Year this coming March 2013.  Invitation for parents to come in to observe before spring conferences (the observation and Parent Conference Calendar will be posted on the school board to sign up in March).  Klahanie is a Montessori inspired Birth-To-Three Years School where children graduate to other programs at age four.  Parents of our PM Elder children who will be graduating this summer are encouraged to begin looking at other wonderful Vashon Preschools, as many schools are starting the enrollment process soon.  Please feel free to call Emmy if questions arise or recommendations requested. 

Thank you for all your support and looking forward to the coming week!

Beginning of our Peace Maker Unit

Wyatt so comfortable during ending group :)

Rolling practice

Reptile, amphibian and mammal sorting